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DX100 - Digital communication system for operator-controlled services

The Digital communication system DX100, offers Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) of public telephone network calls to emergency, information or maintenance services. When a call request arrives, the communication system forwards voice message notifying the user of the service selected and automatically distributes the calls to a not occupied service operator or arranges them in a queue for later handling.

The system has two types of analog inputs - three-wire system, with the necessary line signaling and 2-wire, loop line system. The loop line inputs can be used also as outputs of the switching network. Appropriate operator panels provide easy and convenient control and indication of call direction, dialed numbers, waiting list of the queue for this operator, etc. The operator panels can accommodate telephone, handset or headset.

The Digital communication system DX 100 allows several operator services simultaneously, accessed by dialing different numbers for each service. The trouble-free operation allows the operators to concentrate fully on providing information or service requested. By connection of analog telephones you can use DX 100 as PABX.

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