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NHC-H41 - Digital Electronic Controller for Combined Water Heaters with 2 Heat Exchangers

NHC-H41 is a new generation electronic temperature regulator for electric water heaters equipped with two heat-exchangers for solar collector and boiler. Following the state-of-the-art design of the other models of electronic temperature regularots, it features graphic LCD display and 4 control buttons. A major advantage of NHC-H41 is the ability of controlling 3-phase electric heaters. By means of this family of temperature regulators, high-volume water heaters with or without heat-exchangers, can take advantage of electronic control features.

Mode enabled with all heat sources
Combined mode. Heating with all heat sources

Specific advantages of NHC-H41:

  • Reducing the prime cost of the water heating system – one water heater with a joint regulator for all power surces. No need of a separate controller for control of the circulating pumps. It is controlled directly by the water heater controller.
  • Antibacterial protection of the water. Periodic water heater is heated to 70 degrees, thanks to which destroy bacteria penetrated by water
  • Better integration of solar and electrical power. As you know, the solar power is generated free of charge and the electrical power is always available.
  • Built-in innovative self-training software for control of the heaters. The water heater tries to choose the best possible strategy for water heating, which lead to less expense for electricity.
  • A modern design and new useful information for water heater users
The water heaters with controller NHC-H41 have some specific advanced features, which can not be found in other appliances of the same class:
  • Adding energy from an electric heater if the sun can not heat the water up to the necessary temperature.
  • An automatic anti-freeze function, protecting the water heater from freezing by starting the electric heater when the water temperature drops below 3°C.
  • An automatic anti-freeze function, protecting the solar collector system or boiler from freezing. When the temperature drops below the freezing point of the heat-transfer fluid the circulating pump will start and will transfer heat from the water heater to the solar collector.
  • Overheating protection of the solar collector - If the warm water in the water heater is not used for a longer period and the heat coming from the collector can not be transferred anywhere, an alarm will be activated.
Holiday mode is activated
Holiday mode is activated
  • Providing information about the status of the anode protector.
  • Providing information about electric leakage from the heater to the casing.
  • There is an option to connect an UPS in order to keep the circulating pumps working until the mains is back.
  • Self-diagnostic of all circuits.

Detected error on temperature sensor 4
  • A clock, which allows programming of a specific scheme for switching on and off of the electric heater, ensuring an automatic use of a time zone with cheaper power.
  • Delayed start timer, allowing adjusting the date and time for start up of the electric heater.
  • Allows programming at intervals a day when you will be permitted on the electric heater
  • An option for separate measuring of the consumed electrical power in kWh in two or more tariffs or graphically.
  • Simultaneous display of the water temperature in the lower and upper side of the water heater and of the temperature in the heat-exchanger of the solar collector.


  NHC-H41 are designed for building in the production of new water heaters made by Eldominvest Ltd.


Download documentation

  NHC-H41-2 User manual

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